Its matter of greart pleasure for me that Sant shree prannath parnami PG College is going to enter in a large scale parnami Group Of Institution In Our small City Padampur. It is great for us that our management committee and their extra efforts are going good in the field of Education.
Education is the part of life for each student enter in this field. Any students who wants to fullfill their dreams it comes through the education.In this Institute,We create lot of extra co curricullar activitiy for every student in her/his class. First by we pay attention on moral duty for every student.As we know now a days moral duty and moral ethics are paid important role in thier life.
Twine to Twine we made effective studies through the extra cocurriculum and effective councelling to guide student for the best option available for them.
I wish all the students of our college Sant shree Prannath Parnami PG College A very Successful Life.
Dr ParvinderJeet Singh